While on the way back from my walk at a wooded area this morning, I saw lying on the ground at a pedestrian pavement of Montreal Link a young monkey—dead with eyes opened and flies circling around.
Just an hour earlier, I saw from a distance an adult monkey climbing up and down a tree at the same spot. Several onlookers were watching from the opposite side of the road, and I stood along for a little while to watch as well, and then proceeded with my walk without paying much attention to what was going on. Now I know.
The dead monkey is one of the several monkeys in a family I used to see at the wooded area I regularly walked. The family is made up of two new born, several young, and two adults, apparently the parents. Although the young are rather active and mischievous at times, always swinging from place to place even on trees within residential landed properties, they appear harmless and do not usually come close in contact with people.
I am unsure the cause of the monkey's death. It may have been killed or died of unknown causes. These days, I hardly see the monkey family anymore, and I suspect their demise, probably gotten rid of by hired hands.
May our God have mercy on this family and the people who may have chosen or been tasked to remove them. I fail to see why the monkeys cannot be let alone or captured to be placed at a habitat of their own, such as the zoo or some other place.
Is there really a need for the extinction of monkeys in our land?