Sunday, February 26, 2006

Looking Forward and Back

When I was much younger, I aspired to be a writer, but was never given a chance to develop in that field of interest. I've since made up for my loss by joining an amateur's writing club some ten years back and attended a Bible college class on Creative Writing "for people who can't not write".

In recent years, I have the opportunity to write in the area of technology for print and digital media in magazines and on the web. I have also written extensively through blogging and participation in a Christian writers' web site.

As an amateur writer, I have been advised to do a lot of reading. My reading favourites are science fiction and fantasy books, although beyond that, I read other genres as well. My favourite authors are CS Lewis, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Alfred Hitchcock.

Growing up from a small town in a remote area where family harmony is seldom within the grasp of a child, my most joyous occasions were that of days spent with my mum in botanical gardens, to which nature walks are still my constant love these days. Walks like these are where I reflect and listen to the sounds of nature, gathering thoughts that inspire my writings.

Now, as my new school term begins, I will be doing an intensive study on 'Writing Techniques', which I hope to learn much to improve my writing skill, and to enjoy what interest me most; in the midst of the pains at work.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


The past three weeks have been hell on earth!

Ever since I was transferred to the new department at my workplace, I am constantly faced with unrealistic deadlines and multitude of work piling up, waiting to be done. The routine is non-stop rushing, working doubly faster than fast, skipping lunch on occasions, with no time for a break or breather, nor time to drink a sip of water. People in this department are under watchful eyes all the time, and each of us are expected to give account of every minute spent at work.

My days for the next few months have been mapped out with the impossible, and I am not sure whether this may be an indication for me to move on. My thoughts are, since God has given me the talent for writing, and writing is not what this department really needs, is it time for me to seek green pastures or another place where the fields are white for harvest? I don't believe God has given me a talent, only to take it away from me, especially when I have just been given the opportunity to learn more about Writing Techniques for my new school term in this semester. Surely, I have better use of my skill than project coordination and data input, which in practice, do not mix very well with writing. On the other hand, I am not in a position to just quit without a job, because I am in need of the money.

Life is never smooth sailing, and jobs do not easily come by. Wonder what is the next step for me in God's plan.

Friday, February 10, 2006

End of Life

After coming back from my holidays, I found out that my company has transferred me to another department to work on projects, something which I have always hated. I have worked for years on projects previously, and it is the very thing that I have hoped to get away from.
Working on project basis means I have to account for every minute I worked for in the office, monitored by a coordinator, with frequent reports on hours spent on customer, task, and others. My new boss has spelled out that a meeting per week is required for the department to report status, and apart from the multitude of work required, to write reports weekly, one at departmental level and the other for 'personal' tasks monitoring, both which must be submitted to the boss.

Beginning next week, my new school term and semester also begins, and this means I have to juggle again, with new duties at work, which I foresee requires lots of overtime, because, as all projects entail, deadlines are of the essence.

Starting from two days ago, life is no longer fun, and maybe, I'll have to move on again, if my health is jeopardised.


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