Sunday, June 30, 2024

PEAKS Personality Profiling

PEAKS Personality Profiling is an extended version of the Big Five or the Five Factor Personality assessment. PEAKS refers to:

  • Purpose — Compelling, Intentional or Spontaneous
  • Energy — Dynamic, Ready or Latent
  • Affirmation — Encouraging, Approving or Questioning
  • Knowledge — Visionary, Integrative or Structured
  • Sustainability — Robust, Steady or Volatile

While this test boasts of a more accurate analysis, much of the info in the result is dependent on how we feel and understand about ourselves. If someone else does the test to analyze us, we may find the result is very different because we usually think too lowly or highly about ourselves.

Nevertheless, for me, the analysis weighs about ninety percent of accuracy. However, the results should not be taken at surface value based on the words used in the PEAKS report to determine and categorize the five factors of the person, which in actuality is quite different from what is defined in the dictionary, and contains a deeper meaning than the terms of words used in general.

The following is a sample of my PEAKS analysis:

In order to better understand the fifteen orientations of PEAKS, there is need to first understand what each orientation entails, as explained in the chart below.

Besides the orientations, each factor also has five facets. In short, PEAKS is made up of 5 Factors, 15 Orientations and 25 Facets. For more information about the facets, read this.  

Find out your Five Factor Personality Traits here!

More information about my personality type from other analysis at this post.


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