The last few days have been a trying time, and I am almost lifeless without access to MSN and connection to the rest of the world via the Net!
Interviewees on TV say lives go on without online access, but seriously, is this true? I have friends all around the world whom I communicate with almost daily, and without Internet access, I find myself becoming restless, although, I must admit the initial feeling was good because there was no disturbance of SPAM, overloaded emails, or MSN interruptions while at work. Maybe, this is God's way of putting me to sleep early, say around 12am rather than 1-2am.
Whether the people interviewed on TV realize it or not, the absence of on-line communications certainly cost money and losses to many, in friendship, relationship, and businesses. So much for online reliability and disaster recovery! Taiwan's earthquake may not have rock certain parts of Asia, but it certainly rock dollars and sense of many who are dependent on online facility, including telephone communication over the Net via VoIP!
All about life living in Singapore. A fan of Spider-Man with interest in blogging, social media, traveling, movies, comics, music, writing and whatever else you can think of ... I'm the SpideY of former
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The Trouble With Lizards
The trouble with lizards is that they loom around everywhere in the house and are often a nuisance and scare to many. If you are one of the people who are faced with this problem, be consoled, because you are not alone in your battle against house pest.
Do you know that even King Solomon faces such problem in his palace ages ago? The Bible states:
Proverbs 30:24-28 (NAS)
Four things are small on the earth, But they are exceedingly wise: The ants ... The shephanim ... The locusts ... The lizard you may grasp with the hands, Yet it is in kings' palaces.
So, if you are facing the agony I am facing in getting rid of lizards, fret not, nor question why they infest 'only' your house, because even the kings of old have to live with them!
Do you know that even King Solomon faces such problem in his palace ages ago? The Bible states:
Proverbs 30:24-28 (NAS)
Four things are small on the earth, But they are exceedingly wise: The ants ... The shephanim ... The locusts ... The lizard you may grasp with the hands, Yet it is in kings' palaces.
So, if you are facing the agony I am facing in getting rid of lizards, fret not, nor question why they infest 'only' your house, because even the kings of old have to live with them!
Saturday, December 9, 2006
A Possible Reason for Hair Loss
There are many reasons why people get hair loss, and one of them is due to pride.
Here's a verse in the Bible that talks about hair loss ...
Isaiah 3:16-17 (NAS)
... the LORD said, "Because the daughters of Zion are proud And walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, And go along with mincing steps And tinkle the bangles on their feet, Therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, And the LORD will make their foreheads bare."
Here's a verse in the Bible that talks about hair loss ...
Isaiah 3:16-17 (NAS)
... the LORD said, "Because the daughters of Zion are proud And walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, And go along with mincing steps And tinkle the bangles on their feet, Therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, And the LORD will make their foreheads bare."
Saturday, December 2, 2006
SPAM @ MoBlog Comments
Imagine receiving more than thirteen spam comments within a few days for a blog entry with people selling clothes and watches to pharmaceutical products and viagra, and there is NO WAY to stop it because MoBlog does NOT have a function to disable Guest's comment!

I am getting very frustrated blogging at Moblog because of endless spam at comments!
From my observation, it appears the spammer may have used a computer program to search for blogs with keywords like 'christmas' or 'thanksgiving' to target their ads via a script, which automatically places their comments in blogs. The script is generated over and over again without the spammer having to lift a finger, and as victims, we can only painstakingly remove them one by one on a regular basis, unless someone place them on the block list. Sadly in this case, the spammer users the 'Guest' account to comment, so there is no way to block the sender specifically. This method of flooding ads on blogs' comments is known as auto-spam bots by the techies.
I have begged Moblog Support to do something about it, but they simply thanked me for the feedback and said they will look into having the solution in the next version. Last I remember when Moblog Support tells me they will include feature like 'Comic Sans MS' font in the next release, it was about a year ago and till this day, I am still waiting for it to happen.
When I begged them a second time for a current workaround, their reply was:
As much as we feel your frustration of being continually spammed by bots, we sadly cannot lend immediate assistance. If you find that only one of your blogs is being bombarded by spam, we advise you to delete that blog and create new entry. Because thus far, you are the only one who has complaints about excessive spam comments.
I am not sure whether I will be staying with Moblog anymore, considering the problems I am facing now. Hope they will do something soon.

I am getting very frustrated blogging at Moblog because of endless spam at comments!
From my observation, it appears the spammer may have used a computer program to search for blogs with keywords like 'christmas' or 'thanksgiving' to target their ads via a script, which automatically places their comments in blogs. The script is generated over and over again without the spammer having to lift a finger, and as victims, we can only painstakingly remove them one by one on a regular basis, unless someone place them on the block list. Sadly in this case, the spammer users the 'Guest' account to comment, so there is no way to block the sender specifically. This method of flooding ads on blogs' comments is known as auto-spam bots by the techies.
I have begged Moblog Support to do something about it, but they simply thanked me for the feedback and said they will look into having the solution in the next version. Last I remember when Moblog Support tells me they will include feature like 'Comic Sans MS' font in the next release, it was about a year ago and till this day, I am still waiting for it to happen.
When I begged them a second time for a current workaround, their reply was:
As much as we feel your frustration of being continually spammed by bots, we sadly cannot lend immediate assistance. If you find that only one of your blogs is being bombarded by spam, we advise you to delete that blog and create new entry. Because thus far, you are the only one who has complaints about excessive spam comments.
I am not sure whether I will be staying with Moblog anymore, considering the problems I am facing now. Hope they will do something soon.
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