In a sense, it means we have earned ourselves a certain amount of fame—good or bad. If we are known for being charitable, we are doing fine, unless all our works are done in pretense, just for hype. If we, on the other hand, have a reputation for doing the exact opposite of what is right, then we are in a sad state, often accompanied by dishonor. Beyond these two opposites is a third outcome of fame which is seemingly undesirable, yet absolutely necessary. This is the earned reputation for doing the right thing and suffering for doing it.>
Are we reputed for doing the right things or wrong? Are our good works publicity stunts to gain popularity and praise from men or are we genuinely interested in helping the needy? Is fame and face more important to us than doing the right thing? Where do we stand if we know we are to suffer disrepute or be disadvantaged doing what is right?
Mildly Amusing © Aaron Joseph

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